
Sparta Community News

Volume 20, Number 12 2024-05-01

The Newsletter

Newsletters will be available in the Village Market. If you have any news or announcements please let us know. It will be published in January, May, and September. Feedback is always welcomed. We can email it to anyone interested if you provide us with your email. Contact us at or

Survey of the Community

We had quite a few complete our survey and let us know what things they would like to see happen in our community. Note the new activities in the newsletter.

Easter Egg Hunt

We had a great turn out with about 200 people in attendance and about 80 children receiving eggs and prizes. There were some other fun activities for the children and everyone seemed to have a great time with the rain holding off until the event was over. We hope to make it an annual event. See the thank you section for a list of all who helped.

Sparta South Cemetery

Wayne and Vern Higgs have done a phenomenal job repairing and repainting our fence as well as lowering the land around the fence to keep it out of the ground. We are so thankful for their help.

Family Fun Day

We are planning a fun day on Sunday Aug 25th 11:00 to 3:00pm. Cost is $10 per person or $25 for a family of 4. This fee gets everyone a hot dog, bag of chips and a bottle of water, (extra items can be purchased). Included are games for all ages, face painting, balloon artist, colour and race a car. There are special shows at 12pm and 2pm, by the stunt dogs (cats) Ultimutts,whose animals have been on Canada's Got Talent, in movies and in commercials.

High Tea & Historical Fashion Show

It will be held on Saturday, June 1 at 2:00 at the Sparta Church Museum. SOLD OUT!

Basic Sewing Course

Yvonne Taylor will offer a basic sewing course using sewing machines every Thursday in August from August 1 to 22 from 10:00 to 12:00 at the Community Hall. Cost is $10.00 for the full course. Bring your own working sewing machine. This course is open to adults and children 10 and over. Call Yvonne to register at 519-681-6718.

Learn to Crochet and Knit

Every Tuesday from 1:00 to 4:00 in July and August, anyone wanting to learn how to knit or crochet can come out to the Community Hall. This includes children 6 and over as well as adults. There is no charge.

Learning Music Beats

If you are interested in learning drums or synthesizer beats call 519-681-6718. If enough are interested, George will set up a class for you.

Watercolour Painting Classes

Starting in the fall. Watch for details on the website and in the September newsletter.

Food Bank

Still serving the community Tuesdays 1:00 to 4:00 at Community Hall. Donations gladly accepted. Special thanks to Nancy O'Loane and Noreen Lanning for keeping it stocked. As there has been little use for a few weeks now, we are considering closing it. If you have any need of it please use it. It can also be used any time the hall is open, including every Sunday and Tuesday evenings from 8:00 to 10:00. Help yourself. It is just inside the front door of the Community Hall.

Scouting News

All sections have been busy keeping our village beautiful by doing garbage clean up, planting flowers, and cleaning up around the grounds of the hall!

We are almost done for the year but will be back on Wednesdays (Beavers/Cubs) and Thursdays (Scouts) the week after school starts in September.

If you have a child wanting to join, call Pam Helmer for more information 519-775-2265. Scouting is for all genders.

Hall Rental

We have a great space to rent for any gathering you are hosting. We have re-established our stage in the upper hall, have a certified kitchen, air conditioning and chair lifts and a fully accessible lower entrance and washrooms. See the end of the newsletter for how to book the hall and costs. PAL insurance is needed if Alcohol is served

Thank You

To Remt and Jessie of Streamline Plumbing for helping with our leaking pipes in the kitchen and other plumbing issues at the hall. Your continued volunteering and support is greatly appreciated!

To Jeff Dykstra for spearheading the donation jar at the store to benefit the hall

To Jordan and Sonya Tetley for organizing the kids Easter Event and doing up the poster for the Fun Day!

To all the volunteers who helped make the Easter Event such a success and for your continued support with the Fun Day: Beth Pfeffer, Yvonne Campbell, Melissa Schneider, Francie Johnston, Carrie Deer, Jen Enggleston, Jonathan Williams and the 1st Sparta Scout Troop. Our apologies if we've inadvertently forgotten anyone. What a great community we have!!

To the Village Market and Rishit Patel for graciously allowing us to have our newsletters, surveys and donation jar in their store.

Regular Events at the Community Hall

Sparta Stitchers meet every Tuesday from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at the hall to quilt, knit, crotchet, tat, smock, embroider, etc. Cost is $5.00 per session which is considered a donation and receives an income tax receipt. Come learn a new skill or just bring whatever you want to work on and have a good time visiting with your fellow stitchers. Call Sally Martyn (519-775-2292) for more information or just show up.

Scouts, Cubs, Beavers

Wednesday: 6:30 to 8:00 Beavers

Wednesday: 6:30 to 8:00 Cubs

Thursday: 6:30 to 8:00 Scouts

Sparta Community Society

Please come and join us for our next meeting on Monday, August 12 at 7:00.

Community Society Executive

President: Pam Helmer (519-775-2613)

Secretary: Yvonne Campbell

Treasurer: Ron Molyneux

Director at Large: Yvonne Taylor

Hall Coordinator: Sally Martyn

The Sparta Community Hall is available for rent. We have a certified kitchen, are fully accessible and air conditioned. The cost schedule is as follows: $250 for the day and $300 if alcohol is served. Repeat users get a discount. Call Sally Martyn at 519-775-2292 to make your reservation.